One Blog
Lockdown Long Read
The idea that businesses can carry on threatening the very existence of the human species in a post-COVID world is morally and economically wrong. We have been exploring our ideas for the future during lockdown.
The Medical Ethics of Conflict
It is hard to ignore the recent headlines over Shamena Begum. A young girl recruited to ISIS now pleading with the UK authorities to allow her to come back to the UK to face fair justice. I am certainly not going to comment on the specifics of this case, but it has raised some significant issues that perhaps we as a country should be mindful of.
Storytelling and Fearless Branding
I am CEO and Co-Founder of One Shot Immersive and this is an awkward first stab at a blog. It is perhaps the beginning of our brand adventure, but more than that, it is an important step towards telling our story. I will make it as personal as I can. This is not through some desire to be autobiographical, but so I can hold myself accountable for the company that One Shot Immersive becomes.
It Is Time to Step up
The idea of the global village was an early inspiration for me when I was growing up. The realisation that we are in this together, and that our actions on one side of the planet have a very real effect on the other. The global community was once an uplifting, popular and empowering vision. It has now become toxic within domestic politics worldwide.